UChicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center

The University of Chicago Breast Cancer Disparities Training Program offers master’s and PhD students training for careers in fields working to understand and end breast cancer disparities. Funded by a Graduate Training in Disparities Research grant from Susan G. Komen, students selected for support will gain complementary experience and perspective focused on the clinical, community and policy issues around breast cancer disparities.

This is a joint training opportunity, along with the students’ graduate committee or program, to enhance a student’s research experience and provide greater exposure to breast cancer disparities.

Students will:

  • Gain knowledge in critical issues and current research in breast cancer disparities
  • Learn and apply rigorous research methods to breast cancer disparities
  • Effectively communicate research findings to the scientific community
  • Establish a track record of publication in the cancer disparities literature
  • Gain exposure to career opportunities in breast cancer disparities research


  • Students must be enrolled in a masters, combined masters/doctoral or doctoral degree program and should be starting their third year (or higher) of PhD training when funding begins (although exceptions may be considered) or second year for masters students
  • Students are not required to be a citizen or permanent resident of the U.S.
  • Students need to have a clear and demonstrated disparities interest and research project
  • Trainees from populations affected by disparities in breast cancer outcomes are strongly encouraged to apply

Funding Support

  • 1 year graduate student stipend (per NIH guidelines)
  • 1 year tuition/fees
  • Supplies ($500 per trainee per year)
  • Support to travel to the annual Susan G. Komen Trainee Conference


Michelle Domecki
The University of Chicago
900 E. 57th Street, Box 11
Chicago, IL 60637