Our pathologists offer a variety of specialized diagnostic services and other patient care services.
We specialize in:
- Anatomical pathology
- Clinical pathology
- Genomic and molecular pathology

Anatomical pathology includes autopsy, surgical pathology, cytopathology and special service laboratories, such as neuropathology and renal pathology.
We have expertise in the following:
- Bone pathology
- Cardiovascular and pulmonary pathology
- Diagnostic electron microscopy
- Histochemistry
- Immunocytochemistry/in situ hybridization
- Tumors of the genital tract
Clinical pathology includes the following service laboratories:
- Blood bank/transfusion medicine
- Clinical chemistry/toxicology
- Clinical microbiology/immunology
- Coagulation
- Endocrinology
- Hematology/hematopathology
- Molecular diagnostics
Genomic and molecular pathology includes the following service laboratories:
- Cytogenetics
- Genomic and molecular pathology