William Gao, MD, with patient in voice exam
William Gao, MD, is a fellowship-trained laryngologist passionate about helping people with voice, airway and swallowing problems.

At your first visit to the Voice Center, you'll meet with our laryngeal surgeon and a speech-language pathologist. There are several steps to an initial visit, including the following:

  • In addition to asking you to describe your voice concern and if you experience any breathing or swallowing problems, we'll go over your personal and family medical history, including any medicines or supplements you take.
  • You'll complete a vocal patient questionnaire that covers several aspects of vocal health. You may complete the form in advance and either bring it to your appointment or submit it through your MyChart account.
  • We'll conduct a thorough voice exam where we'll listen to your voice and use sophisticated equipment to record and analyze several aspects of your voice, including measuring airflow and acoustic levels as you speak or sing.
  • Our laryngeal surgeon will exam your throat, nose, ears, sinuses and larynx (voice box), and will use a laryngoscope — a thin, flexible tube affixed with a light and camera — to inspect your vocal folds. This procedure is called a videostrobolaryngoscopy.
  • To better evaluate any functional limitations, you may be asked to sing, perform or otherwise use your voice in a manner similar to your normal activity.

Results from the behavioral evaluation, videostrobolaryngoscopy and physical exam are used to develop an action plan with recommendations for treatment options. We'll review the results with you and answer any questions you have.

Request an Appointment

We are currently experiencing a high volume of inquiries, leading to delayed response times. For faster assistance, please call 1-773-702-1865 to schedule your appointment.

If you have symptoms of an urgent nature, please call your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately.

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