Parking at our Hyde Park Campus
The University of Chicago Medicine offers valet and self-parking to meet the needs of our patients, visitors, faculty and staff. Prepaid discount parking cards are available for patients and visitors.
We tried to answer any questions you may have about parking below. If you have any additional questions, please call Parking Services at 773-702-4381. Parking Services Offices are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. During off-hours, a customer service attendant is available.

Parking Options in Hyde Park
Our self-parking garages are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Parking Garage A: 5840 S. Maryland Ave.
This parking garage is best for patients and visitors going to:
- Bernard A. Mitchell Hospital (Mitchell Hospital), which is for adult inpatients
- Duchossois Center for Advanced Medicine (DCAM) for outpatient care
Directions from 59th Street: Turn north on Maryland Avenue and the entrance will be on your left (west side of street). A walking bridge on Level 2 connects Parking A to Mitchell Hospital and DCAM.
The Parking A office is located on Level 1; enter on Maryland Avenue.
Parking Garage B: 5656 S. Maryland Ave.
This parking garage is best for patients and visitors going to Comer Children’s Hospital and The Center for Care and Discovery (CCD), which is our critical care hospital.
Directions from 56th Street: Turn on Maryland Ave. and the entrance will be on your right. You can also enter on Cottage Grove Avenue. A walking bridge on Level 2 connects Parking B and CCD.
Patient and visitor parking are on the first six levels of the garage. Staff permit parking is on the top two levels.
The Parking B Office is located on Level 2 near the walking bridge.
Self-Parking Rates with Validation
Validation of parking tickets is available at clinics and information desks throughout the campus. With validation, self-parking rates are:
- $6 for under one hour
- $8 for one to three hours
- $12 for three to six hours
- $18 for six to 24 hours
Rates may be higher without parking validation.
Discounted parking is available. Ask for details at your doctor’s office, admissions office or the Duchossois Center for Advanced Medicine (DCAM) first floor security desk.
View a printable parking information sheet and map.
Valet parking is offered on weekdays in front of four buildings on our Hyde Park Campus:
Valet Parking Locations
Center for Care and Discovery (CCD)
5700 S. Maryland Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637
Valet hours: 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Bernard Mitchell Hospital
5841 S. Maryland Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637
Valet hours: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Duchossois Center for Advanced Medicine (DCAM)
5758 S. Maryland Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637
Valet hours: Monday-Friday: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Comer Children’s Hospital
5721 S. Maryland Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637
Valet hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The Valet Services Office is located on Level 1 near the Valet Pay Station at DCAM.
UChicago Medicine is not responsible for items left in vehicles.
Valet Parking Rates
Validation of parking tickets is available at clinics and information desks throughout the campus. With validation, valet parking rates are:
- $15 for under six hours
- $25 for six to 24 hours
Rates may be higher without parking validation.
Patients and visitors who valet park can pay at the valet station (cash and credit card) or at one of our electronic pay stations (cash or credit card). To find a pay station, ask a staff member where the closest one is.
Discounted parking is available. Ask for details at your doctor’s office, admissions office or the any of the security desks throughout the medical campus.
View a printable parking information sheet and map.
Parking for Comer Children's ED
This short-term parking lot is only for women in labor and patients being seen at the Comer Children’s Emergency Department.
Location:Drexel Boulevard between 57th and 58th Streets between the Comer Children’s Emergency Department and the Center for Care and Discovery. This lot is open 24 hours a day.
Comer Children’s Emergency Department patients are allowed up to four hours of free parking with validation. Parking tickets can be validated at the Comer Children’s Emergency Department main desk and at the Family Birth Center located on the third floor of Comer Children’s. Non-validated tickets or those found to be in violation of the rules are subject to a fine, as indicated by signage in the lot.
Parking for Adult ED
Parking for the UChicago Medicine adult emergency room is located on the second floor of the Parking B garage (5656 S. Maryland Ave). There are spaces stripped in red for our patients coming to the ED.
Directions to Parking B garage from 56th Street:Turn on Maryland Ave. and the entrance will be on your right. You can also enter on Cottage Grove Avenue. A walking bridge on Level 2 connects Parking B and CCD.
There are a number of parking spaces for people with disabilities in Parking A and Parking B garages. These spaces are for use only by visitors and patients with a state-issued placard or license plate for people with disabilities. No exceptions.
Self-Parking Rates with Validation
Validation of parking tickets is available at clinics and information desks throughout the campus. With validation, self-parking rates are:
- $6 for under one hour
- $8 for one to three hours
- $12 for three to six hours
- $18 for six to 24 hours
Rates may be higher without parking validation.
Discounted parking is available. Ask for details at your doctor’s office, admissions office or the Duchossois Center for Advanced Medicine (DCAM) first floor security desk.
Patients and visitors who valet park can pay at the valet station (credit card only) or at one of our electronic pay stations (cash or credit card). To find a pay station, ask a staff member where the closest one is.
View a printable parking information sheet and map.
Discount Parking
Patients and their families can purchase prepaid discounted tickets. The costs are:
- $30 for five blue prepaid self-park tickets
- $60 for five pink prepaid valet parking tickets
Each ticket is good for one 24-hour parking period.
Tickets are available in the Parking Services Office locations in both Parking Garage A (5840 S. Maryland Ave.) and Parking Garage B (5656 S. Maryland Ave.). They are also available for purchase in the valet services office located on the first floor the Duchossois Center for Advanced Medicine (5758 S. Maryland Ave.).
UChicago Medicine no longer accepts parking stickers. Anyone who purchased coupon books and parking stickers prior to January 2013 may exchange them for prepaid validation tickets in the Parking Office.
For your safety we have alarms on every floor and TV cameras throughout our parking garages. We can walk visitors to their car if needed. Please call Security at 773-702-6262 if you would feel safer having someone walk with you to your car.
UChicago Medicine provides the following services to patients and visitors within our parking garages between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. seven days a week. Please contact the Parking Office at 773-702-4381 for automobile assistance.
Air for Tires
While in the garage facility, parking staff can help inflate tires if needed. Please stop by the Parking Services Offices in either parking garage or call 773-702-4381 for assistance.
Emergency Jump Start
If your car does not start because of a problem with the battery, the parking staff has equipment to help start your car. Between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. call the Parking Service Office. During overnight hours between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m., call Public Safety at 773-702-6262.
Finding Your Car
Each parking level has "pull tabs" near the elevator to help you remember where you parked your car. If you need more help go to the Parking Services Offices.
Lock-Out Services
If you get locked out of your car, the parking staff can call road side assistance or a locksmith. You are responsible for any charges from these services.