UChicago Medicine a preferred provider for United Arab Emirates patients

Yousef Al Otaiba, UAE ambassador to the United States, with Sharon O'Keefe, then-President of the University of Chicago Medical Center.
The University of Chicago Medicine has signed on to be among seven leading hospitals in the United States to provide specialized medical treatment to patients from the United Arab Emirates.
Under a newly signed medical services agreement, UChicago Medicine becomes part of a network of preferred providers for Emirati patients. The agreement ensures that sponsored patients from the UAE not only receive the medical services they need for complex conditions but also continuity of care after they leave the United States. In addition, UChicago Medicine will consult and collaborate with providers in the UAE to strengthen the country’s medical services and facilities.
“These institutions provide ‘best in class’ care and treatment for patients,” said Yousef Al Otaiba, UAE ambassador to the United States. “Through partnerships and continued collaboration with leading U.S. hospitals, we will not only improve access to treatment for Emirati citizens, but also help the UAE enhance its own health care infrastructure.”
The medical services agreement builds on an existing partnership with the United Arab Emirates that includes working to provide Emirati patients care at UChicago Medicine. The agreement was signed by Al Otaiba and Sharon O’Keefe, president of the University of Chicago Medical Center.
“This formal partnership with the United Arab Emirates enhances our 10-year plus relationship,” said Sharon O’Keefe. “Being selected by the UAE as a preferred provider is not only an honor, but it also validates the world-class care that UChicago Medicine provides to its community, the city, the region and beyond.”
In addition to UChicago Medicine, the other hospitals in this preferred provider network include Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cincinnati Children’s, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab and Johns Hopkins Medicine.
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