The Bronchiectasis Research Registry is a consolidated database of non-cystic fibrosis
(non-CF) Bronchiectasis and Nontuberculosis Mycobacteria (NTM) patients from multiple
clinical institutions. The goal of the Bronchiectasis Research Registry is to support
collaborative research and assist in the planning of multi-center clinical trials for the
treatment of NTM and non-CF Bronchiectasis, a progressive, non-curable disease of the
lungs, which afflicts thousands of patients. The Registry will also be used to provide
better insight into the study of the different types of Bronchiectasis, as well as the
pathophysiology of the disorder. In 2012, in collaboration with NTM Info and Research,
Inc (NTMir) and the consortium members, the COPD Foundation expanded the Bronchiectasis
Research Registry to enroll patients with "non tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) only".
Prior to this time, the registry included individuals with Bronchiectasis, with or
without NTM.