Testing Atorvastatin to Lower Colon Cancer Risk in Longstanding Ulcerative Colitis

  • Interventional
  • Recruiting
  • NCT04767984

A Randomized and Placebo-Controlled Phase II Trial Targeting Dominant-Negative Missense Mutant P53 by Atorvastatin for Reducing the Risk of Longstanding Ulcerative Colitis-Associated Cancer

This phase II trial studies the effect of atorvastatin in treating patients with ulcerative colitis who have a dominant-negative missense P53 mutation and are at risk of developing large intestinal cancer. Patients with ulcerative colitis are known to have an increased risk of developing large intestinal cancer. Better ways to control ulcerative colitis and more knowledge about how to prevent colon cancer are needed. Atorvastatin is a drug used to lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood and to prevent stroke, heart attack, and angina (chest pain). It blocks an enzyme that helps make cholesterol in the body. It also causes an increase in the breakdown of cholesterol. The information gained from this study may help doctors learn more about atorvastatin as an agent in cancer prevention, and may help to improve public health.