Study of LN-145, Autologous Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes in the Treatment of Patients With Cervical Carcinoma
- Interventional
- Recruiting
- NCT03108495
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A Phase 2, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety Using Autologous Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (LN-145) in Patients With Recurrent, Metastatic or Persistent Cervical Carcinoma
Prospective, multicenter, single-arm, open label, interventional study evaluating adoptive cell therapy (ACT) with autologous tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) infusion (LN-145) followed by IL-2 after a non-myeloablative (NMA) lymphodepletion preparative regimen for the treatment of patients with recurrent, metastatic, or persistent cervical carcinoma
LN-145 is an adoptive cell transfer therapy that utilizes an autologous TIL manufacturing
process, as originally developed by the NCI, for the treatment of patients with
recurrent, metastatic, or persistent cervical carcinoma. The cell transfer therapy used
in this study involves patients receiving a NMA lymphocyte depleting preparative regimen,
followed by infusion of autologous TIL followed by the administration of a regimen of
Age Group
18 Years and up
Accepting Healthy Volunteers
Inclusion Criteria:
To be eligible for the study, patients must meet ALL of the following criteria prior to
1. Must be ≥ 18 years of age at the time of consent. Enrollment of patients > 70 years
of age may be allowed after consultation with the Medical Monitor.
2. Must have recurrent, metastatic, or persistent squamous cell carcinoma (SCC),
adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC), or adenocarcinoma (AC) of the cervix that is not
amenable to curative treatment with surgery and/or radiation therapy.
3. At least one resectable lesion (or aggregate of lesions resected) of a minimum 1.5
cm in diameter post-resection to generate TIL; surgical removal with minimal
morbidity (defined as any procedure for which expected hospitalization is ≤ 3 days)
4. At least one measurable target lesion, as defined by RECIST v1.1.
5. Cohort 1 and Cohort 2: Progression during or following at least one, but no more
than three, prior systemic chemotherapeutic treatments for recurrent, metastatic, or
persistent cervical carcinoma
- A line of systemic therapy is defined as any chemotherapy or multiple-agent
chemotherapy regimen that was administered for recurrent, metastatic, or
persistent SCC, ASC, or AC of the cervix.
- A bevacizumab and chemotherapy combination is encouraged as a prior line of
- Neither chemoradiation, nor chemotherapy in the neoadjuvant or adjuvant
settings are considered as a prior line of systemic therapy.
Cohort 2: Must also have previously received treatment with a checkpoint inhibitor
(ie, PD-1, PD-L1]) in the setting of recurrent, metastatic, or persistent disease
either as monotherapy or in combination (eg, in combination with chemotherapy or
another immune agent)
Cohort 3 (United States only): Must have not received any therapies other than prior
chemoradiation or surgery for loco-regional disease
6. Any prior therapy directed at the malignant tumor, including chemotherapy,
biologic/targeted agents, and immunologic agents must be discontinued at least 28
days prior to tumor resection.
7. Have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0 or 1
8. Must have adequate organ function.
9. Patient has no evidence of any active viral, bacterial, or fungal infection
requiring ongoing systemic treatment. Patients must be seronegative for the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Patients with acute or chronic hepatitis infections
may be enrolled if the viral load by nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) is
undetectable with/without active treatment
10. Patients of childbearing potential must be willing to take the appropriate
precaution to avoid pregnancy for the duration of the study and practice an
approved, highly effective method of birth control during treatment and for 12
months after receiving the last protocol-related therapy.
11. Prior to study Enrollment (tumor resection), patient must have documentation of
radiological disease progression after the most recent therapy
Exclusion Criteria:
Patients who meet any of the following criteria are not eligible for participation in
this study:
1. Patients who have received an organ allograft or prior cell transfer therapy except
for prior LN-145 therapy in the setting of re-treatment only.
2. Patients who require ongoing systemic steroid therapy (> 10 mg/day of prednisone or
other steroid equivalent dose).
3. Patients who currently have prior therapy-related toxicities Grade > 1 according to
National Cancer Institute (NCI) Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events
(CTCAE) v5.0; except for peripheral neuropathy, alopecia, or vitiligo prior to
Enrollment (tumor resection).
4. . Patients who have a history of hypersensitivity to any component or excipient of
LN-145 or other study drugs:
• NMA-LD preparative regimen (cyclophosphamide, mesna, and fludarabine)
5. Patients who have active systemic infections, coagulation disorders, or other active
major medical illness(es) of the cardiovascular, respiratory, or immune system,
including evidence in the medical history of urinary tract obstruction, a positive
cardiac stress test, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmia, obstructive or
restrictive pulmonary disease, or other conditions that in the opinion of the
Investigator would increase the risk of participation.
6. Patients with symptomatic and/or untreated brain metastases (of any size and any
• Patients with definitively treated brain metastases may be considered for
Enrollment, and must be stable for ≥ 14 days prior to beginning the NMA-LD
preparative regimen
7. Patients who have any form of primary immunodeficiency (such as severe combined
immunodeficiency [SCID] or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS])
8. Patients who have a diagnosis of end-stage renal disorder requiring hemodialysis
9. Patients who have a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) < 45% or who are New
York Heart Association (NYHA) Class 2 or higher.
10. Patients who have a documented forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) of ≤ 60%
11. Patients who have had another primary malignancy within the previous 3 years (except
for curatively treated localized malignancy that has not required treatment for > 1
year, and in the judgement of the Investigator, does not pose a significant risk of
recurrence including, but not limited to, non-melanoma skin cancer or bladder
12. Patients who are of the following protected classes will be excluded, including:
- Pregnant, parturient, or breastfeeding women
- Persons who are hospitalized without consent or those deprived of liberty
because of a judiciary or administrative decision
- Patients with a legal protection measure or a person who cannot express his/her
- Patients in emergency situations who cannot consent to the study
13. Patients who have received a live or attenuated vaccine within 28 days prior to
beginning the NMA-LD preparative regimen
14. Patients whose cancer requires immediate attention or who would otherwise suffer a
disadvantage by participating in this study
15. Cohort 1 and Cohort 3: Patients who have received prior treatment with immunotherapy
(eg, PD-1, PD-L1, or anti-cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 [CTLA-4]
16. Patients who have Grade ≥ 2 hemorrhage within 14 days prior to Enrollment (tumor
17. Cohort 3: Patients may not have active or prior documented autoimmune or
inflammatory disorders (including pneumonitis, inflammatory bowel disease [eg,
colitis or Crohn's disease], diverticulitis [with the exception of diverticulosis],
systemic lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis syndrome, or Wegener syndrome
[granulomatosis with polyangiitis, Graves' disease, rheumatoid arthritis,
hypophysitis, uveitis, etc.]).