Even one seizure can be frightening. At our Pediatric Epilepsy Center, we understand your concerns, and we're here to support you. These resources may help you as you learn about epilepsy.

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What is pediatric epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures — meaning seizures that seem to occur without a direct cause. However, with a thorough evaluation and diagnostic testing, it is often possible to identify the underlying cause of a child's epilepsy. Yet in some cases, the exact cause may still remain unclear.

After two or more unprovoked seizures, your child may be diagnosed with pediatric epilepsy. Your child's epilepsy may be considered drug-resistant if his or her seizures cannot be controlled with two or more treatment courses of anticonvulsant medication. This is often referred to as intractable epilepsy or refractory epilepsy.

Epilepsy Information & Resources