Cochlear Implants in Children
Hi! That mommy talking? Hear mommy talking? That mommy talking?
Dennis? Dennis!
It was a very special day. It was Dennis's hearing birthday, and what you witnessed today was the activation of his cochlear implant. So you saw the very moment that he first heard sound, and that his brain started processing sound. Basically, I implant the internal device initially, let everything heal, and then the activation is really-- putting on the external device that connects to the internal device, and takes sound from the outside world, changes it from acoustic to electric energy, and stimulates the nerve. But you saw something else that was really quite incredible-- you saw an amazing family who both uses sign language and spoken language begin to really feed Dennis's brain with both sign and spoken language. Dennis is very lucky.
He's all right. Bit chatty. Chat chat chat. Uh-huh.
It was pretty amazing for us to see his reaction. Look at his ears. He's really happy with it. Yeah, he was very shocked, even looking around, trying to figure out where the sound's coming from.
I hear yelling, talking. He's like, oh, OK. And then he's-- constantly doing it. He likes the sound. I was emotional at first. Yeah, it's really shocking that he got cochlear implants, just like us. It's really amazing. Now we have the same thing-- deaf family now. It's really cool.
So all I can say is it is such a privilege and an honor that Dennis's dad and mom would bring him to the University of Chicago Medicine and to myself to get his implant.
When considering a cochlear implant (CI), patients and their families should consider that the implant process is the start of a lifetime relationship with the institution and CI team where the surgery is performed Patients can feel confident that the University of Chicago CI program is outstanding. We routinely treat even the most complex cases, serving as one of the most comprehensive and experienced CI teams in the Chicagoland region
What is a cochlear implant?
A cochlear implant is different than a traditional hearing aid. In simple terms, a traditional hearing aid picks up sound via a microphone and makes it louder, sending the signal through your auditory system. This is considered an ACOUSTIC signal. With different hearing losses, a hearing aid may not provide enough audibility and speech clarity.
Cochlear implants use an ELECTRICAL signal to stimulate the hearing nerve and send the information to your brain using a surgically placed internal component. The sound is picked up by the microphones of an external piece worn behind the ear or on the head and communicates with the internal implant. This external processor can be taken off throughout the day.

Cochlear implant services
Our Cochlear Implant Program provides comprehensive testing for pre-implant candidacy, as well as post-implant rehabilitation and mapping services. Below please find a comprehensive list of available services:
- Comprehensive hearing assessment
- Cochlear implant consultations
- Educational liaison to provide educational support
- Mappings
- Equipment checks and maintenance
- Bimodal hearing aid services
- Auditory verbal therapy
- Aural habilitation therapy
- Candidate speech-language evaluations
Who is a candidate for cochlear implants?
Cochlear implants are not for everyone. To know whether a cochlear implant may be right for your child, we first need to know the extent of his or her hearing loss.
Cochlear implants are used to help children who have sensorineural hearing loss who get little or no benefit from hearing aids.
Your UChicago provider will work with you to determine whether a hearing aid or cochlear implant is right for your child.
Cochlear implantation can be performed on children as young as 9 months old.
The earlier your child receives an implant, the greater the potential is that he/she will develop listening/speaking skills at the same level as their peers who have no hearing loss. Our multidisciplinary cochlear implant team has the ability and resources to help your child make as much progress as possible with listening/speaking skills.
For your child to be successful with their cochlear implant, your family must make this strong commitment together. We know that you are the most important part of the process for any child.
If you are considering this treatment for your child, there are many families with children have had cochlear implants at Comer Children’s that would be happy to share their experiences with you during your decision-making process.
Frequently asked questions: Cochlear implant surgery
Initial evaluation is done on an outpatient basis. It is noninvasive and usually takes several hours.
Our audiologists will administer a series of tests individually tailored to your child's condition. Common assessments include:
- Behavioral audiometric evaluation, with and without hearing aids
- Speech perception testing to determine the functional benefit of hearing aids
- Immittance measurements to determine if the child has or may have a tendency toward middle ear fluid
- Electrophysiologic testing to gather information about inner ear and auditory nerve function
Parents are asked to complete questionnaires to help determine functional hearing and hearing aid benefit.
Speech and language evaluation and educational plan assessments are ongoing components of the process involved in helping your child attain appropriate developmental levels.
After your child’s cochlear implant evaluation with audiology, you and your child will meet with one of our surgeons for a medical evaluation. During the appointment, we will do a detailed history and physical examination, and if needed, we may ask for imaging (either a CT scan and/or MRI) of the temporal bone will be often be performed to assess the anatomy of the inner ear. We will discuss with you which of your child's ear(s) make sense to implant. It is important to consider your child’s overall medical health and surgical risk, as this is a procedure performed under general anesthesia.Cochlear implant surgery is a routine outpatient procedure that typically lasts two to three hours, but we like for your child to stay overnight so we can monitor their progress. During surgery, a small incision is made behind the ear to access the mastoid bone, which is partially drilled away to give access to the inner ear structures and allow the internal device to be seated. Your child will wake up with a gauze dressing over the ear that should remain in place for 24 to 48 hours after surgery to help reduce swelling. Once removed, please keep the incision dry until your child's surgeon tells you that it can get wet. Pain after surgery is usually minimal, typically acetaminaphen or ibuprofen is enough to relieve your child's pain. Additionally, the surgeon may prescribe a course of antibiotics to take after surgery to help your child prevent infection.
At Comer Children’s, you may wait in the operating room until the anesthesia takes effect and your child is asleep — one of many extra steps our cochlear implant team takes to assure the best experience for your child and for you. For your comfort, we can also arrange an overnight stay for your child and family.
Three to four weeks after surgery, your child returns to have the implanted device activated. This involves linking the implanted internal receiver to the external speech processor. The audiologist creates the initial MAP or program, which allows your child to hear sound for the first time with the cochlear implant.
This is a truly momentous occasion — the moment at which your child moves from a world of silence into a world of sound. Our surgeon and staff celebrate this major turning point in your child’s life with you at a "Hearing Birthday" party, which marks a totally new beginning for your child and family.
Once the cochlear implant is activated, your child returns for check-ups and therapy on a regular basis. Typically, there are evaluations at the two-week, one-month, three-month, six-month and nine-month marks. At each evaluation, your child’s speech processor is remapped and additional testing is provided as needed. Each child hears differently, and our audiologists excel at matching programs to each child’s unique style of hearing. Quarterly speech therapy appointments with our speech-language pathologist/auditory-verbal therapist document the progress your child is making in listening and spoken language.
After the first year, audiograms and speech perception tests are given every six months for two to three years, and then switch to annually. Programming is done at the same intervals, and speech and language evaluation is done once every six months or on an annual basis. If necessary, your child may require more frequent follow-up visits.
If you live far away and/or it is not convenient for you to come here on a regular basis, we work with you to find health care professionals in your area who can provide care that is both appropriate and convenient.
There are a variety of resources available for parents of children with cochlear implants.
Our Pediatric ENT Locations in Chicago, South Suburbs and Northwest Indiana
Request an Appointment
We are currently experiencing a high volume of inquiries, leading to delayed response times. For faster assistance, please call 1-773-702-1865 to schedule your appointment.
If you have symptoms of an urgent nature, please call your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately.
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