Before treatment, your urogynecologic team might run a few tests to evaluate your pelvic floor and diagnose your condition. This will inform you and your care team in creating the best treatment plan for your health goals. University of Chicago Medicine urogynecologists offer comprehensive diagnostic testing, including urodynamic testing.

Diagnostic Tests

In addition to a physical exam, we use the most up-to-date technology to help diagnose your pelvic floor disorder(s) and create an effective treatment plan. Some of the diagnostic tests your care team may perform include:

  • Uroflowmetry, which measures the amount of urine in the bladder and how fast it flows when you urinate.
  • Cysto-urethroscopy to examine the inside of the bladder and urethra to determine if you have a bladder inflammation, bladder stones, or bladder tumors.
  • Illustration of cysto-urethroscopy
  • Cystometry (cystometrogram), which measures the pressure in the bladder to help diagnose conditions like overactive bladder.
  • Pressure-flow voiding studies may also be conducted to understand if the bladder and urethra properly eliminate urine.
  • Urethral pressure profilometry, which measures the pressure in the urethra when urine is expelled.
  • Transrectal and transanal 3D ultrasound may be performed if you are experiencing fecal incontinence. These images help your surgeons understand how the lower rectum, anal sphincter and pelvic floor muscles look.
  • Anorectal manometry (ARM) allows us to study how the anus and rectum are function, as well as how strong the pelvic muscles are at controlling bowel movements.
  • Electromyography EMG testing may be performed to see if the nerves supporting the anal sphincter are properly relaxing and contracting to control bowel movements.
  • Urodynamic testing, which is frequently performed, will help your surgeon understand the function of your lower urinary tract.